What is 100K Your Way?
100K Your Way is a virtual event that challenges you to tackle the distance of 100K at your own pace in any location you like in your own way. You can get out there as much as you need to clock up your kms over the challenge. This is your challenge, your way.
Complete the challenge in days, weeks or months. The finish time doesn’t matter. It’s about raising vital funds to help stop MS.
Do I have to have a 100K distance target to take part?
No you don’t. You can just take inspiration from the 100K target if you prefer. Or you can perhaps just use 100 to inspire your challenge you could:
- Hop 100 times a day
- Climb the stairs 100 times
- Bake 100 cakes and buns and sell to friends and neighbours
- Complete 100 laps of the garden
- Or something completely different
When do I have to complete the challenge by?
This is your challenge. Set yourself a target as to when you’d like to finish. If you've signed up but wish to take part later in the year, just let us know so we can carry on to support you.
Do I have to walk, run, roll or cycle?
No you don’t - you take on the challenge however you like. You could to step challenge, roller skate, scoot, ride a horse or even canoe! We advise you to do whatever is within your ability but is still challenging for you. Making sure it is enough of a challenge means people will be more likely to sponsor you.
Are there any registration or participation fees?
Signing up for 100K Your Way is free! It's a challenge though, so we do encourage everyone to fundraise for 100K Your Way which will help fund our life saving research.
Is there an age limit for 100K Your Way?
No, we welcome people of all ages to take part in 100K Your Way. However, you need to be over 18 years old to register for 100K Your Way. If you are under 18, please ask a parent or guardian to sign up on your behalf.
What is JustGiving and how do I use it?
JustGiving is an online fundraising platform which you can use to collect your donations. Your fundraising page will be set up automatically when you sign up for 100K Your Way. To access your page go to the JustGiving website the log in details you supplied when you signed up. Your confirmation email, will also have a link to your page if you signed up online. You can share your page with friends, family and colleagues to encourage them to donate to your challenge.
How do I get help with my JustGiving fundraising page?
If you need help using your fundraising page, making a donation, or anything else JustGiving related, their dedicated support team can help you out.
Email via their contact form, if you need any help or can’t find what you’re looking for. You can also call us on 0300 500 8084. Alternatively, check out their FAQ website.
Not only does this help with all the technical kinds of things, it’s also got lots of tried and tested tips to help give your fundraising an extra push.
I’m having problems signing up, who do I contact with questions?
Please send a description of the issue you are experiencing to fundraising@mssociety.org.uk or call 0300 500 8084 and a member of our fundraising team will be able to help you.
What happens after I sign up and what support will I receive from the MS Society?
We are here to support you on your journey for 100K Your Way. We will be in touch with emails that will provide you with inspiration, motivation, top tips and fundraising resources and ideas. We have our website where you can access all this information, as well as our Facebook group where you can seek advice from other supporters taking on their own 100K Your Way challenge.
What is Strava and how do I use it?
Strava is a training app which tracks and records your distance. JustGiving is partnered with Strava which means you can link your fundraising page to Strava and your page will then be updated every time you complete a run. That way your donors can see how you’re getting on. Fundraisers who use this feature raise an average of 46% more!
What happens if I only use the fitness app to track some of my activities and forget to use it for some?
Any of the km’s you complete using your fitness app we will know about (if it is linked to your fundraising page). You just need to let us know about the rest of them by manually updating your fundraising page. Just remember – don’t manually log any miles that you’ve used a fitness app to track – we will already have those logged.
What if I don't want to use a tracking app? How can I track the miles I've completed?
If you don’t want to use a fitness app, you can still easily keep track of your miles through your fundraising page. You can do this by manually updating your JustGiving fundraising page. Firstly, make sure you're logged in, then you will see a 'log fitness' button on your fundraising page. Click on this and you'll be able to add your fitness manually on your fundraising page for all your supporters to see!
Can I take on the challenge with others?
Absolutely! When you register you will be asked whether you’d like to set up a team. When your teammates register, they can select which team they’d like to join and your fundraising pages will be linked.
Can I meet other people taking part?
Yes! Once you've signed up please join our Facebook Page to chat away. If you are meeting up in person, please check and follow the latest Government Guidelines on Covid19.
Do I have to fundraise?
As 100K Your Way is a challenge to raise money for the MS Society, we encourage all participants to fundraise. The money raised from 100K Your Way will help fund our life saving research, so every km and pound matters.
How do I fundraise?
As soon as you sign up to your challenge your fundraising page will be created for you, simple! All income is transferred directly to us. You will be able to share your progress on Facebook and Twitter too. We will also provide fundraising tips and support throughout your journey.
Is there a minimum fundraising amount?
No, there is no minimum fundraising amount, however we encourage you to make the most of your challenge by asking your friends and family for sponsorship to help us fund even more life-changing research. We encourage you to set yourself a fundraising target on your JustGiving fundraising page to keep you motivated.
What is Gift Aid?
We love Gift Aid as it means we can claim 25p on every £1 donation at no extra cost to you or your supporters. For UK taxpayers JustGiving enables your supporters to automatically Gift Aid their donation or people can simply tick the Gift Aid box on your sponsorship form (included in the post)
However, not all donations are eligible for Gift Aid. We can only claim Gift Aid on personal donations, so if your supporters receive any goods or a service in return for a donation, we can’t claim unfortunately. For example, any donations from raffles, lotteries, sweepstakes, ticket sales, auctions or bake sales would not be eligible for Gift Aid. Have a look on our website for more information at mssociety.org.uk/giftaid.
How can I collect sponsorship?
The quickest and easiest way to collect sponsorship is through donations directly to your JustGiving fundraising page. However you can also accept cash donations for your challenge too. Email us at fundraising@mssociety.org.uk and can we will send you a sponsorship form or download now.
How do I pay in my money?
Ask people to donate directly to your fundraising page as that way the money will come to the MS Society automatically.
If you’ve collected cash then you can pay in the money yourself (using a credit or debit card) to your fundraising page.
Or send a cheque (made payable to the MS Society) to:
100K Your Way, MS Society, 372 Edgware Road, London, NW2 6ND
If you’re making an offline donation please fill out a sponsor form and tick the Gift Aid Box.
Is there a deadline for paying in donations?
Pay in your donations by 31 December 2021. For those who have raised £50 and above, you'll also receive a MS Society t-shirt and if you raise £100 and above you will receive a 100K Your Way medal!
How will MS Society use the funds I have raised?
The money you raise will go to our ground-breaking Stop MS Appeal which is aiming to raise £100 million over 10 years to fund vital MS research and take us even closer to finally stopping MS. For more information on the Stop MS Appeal head to www.mssociety.org.uk/stopms.
How do I get an MS Society t-shirt?
Everyone who raises £50 or more on their 100K Your Way fundraising page will receive a MS Society shirt to say thank you. Your shirt will be posted to you within a month of you completing your challenge.
How do I get an MS Society medal?
Everyone who raises £100 or more on their 100K Your Way fundraising page will receive a medal to say thank you. Due to the current coronavirus delivery of medals is delayed until we can return to our offices. We will send as soon as possible.
I can’t find an answer to my question here, who do I contact?
You can email our 100K Your Way team at fundraising@mssociety.org.ukor call 0300 500 8084.